Saturday, April 2, 2016

Bonds and ARod Are The Best BFFs Ever

On the eve of the 2016 MLB Opening Day, Barry Bonds dropped some explosive news on his Instagram and it's great news for all Yankees fans out there.  The fact that ARod is friends and #family with the Home Run King means one thing, ARod is poised for yet another monster year at the plate.  The fact that Barry has ARod's ear at all times is a scary thing for the pitchers around the league.  I don't care what anyone says, steroids or not, Bonds was the most intimidating force that our generation has ever seen, so if he wants to teach my clean up hitter a thing or two in his old age I'm all for it.  Hell, I'm all for Lord Barry joining King Alex in the Bombers lineup, who's with me?!?


Could you imagine what was going on at that party they were both at??  Must have been a shit load of impromptu staged Facebook and Instagram pics with all of the steroids well out of view of the camera.  Bonds and ARod are sneaky candidates to be on the Mount Rushmore of social media must-follows, just non-stop entertaining stuff outta these two legends.

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