Tuesday, March 29, 2016

You Have to Hate Male Gynos

Damn you Robert. I got this belief that chics should only be going to chic gynos to get their boxes checked out, but I always keep that belief buried deep down because I understand how ignorant it sounds. Now here I got this creepazoid Dr. Robert Hadden fueling my beliefs. I feel like a racist. I hate male gynos. I can't separate this fuck from the rest of them, so I'm forced to hate all of them. And don't give me the "this could happen with a lezzie lady gyno" nonsense. Lesbihonest, lesbians are respectful. A girl that likes girls would never do something like Bob did here.  

I can just picture this loser down there checking shit out and asking this poor lady "so what do you do for work?" She replies, "professional dancer", and boom, he helps himself to a little taste. It don't work like that bro. When a lady learns that you're a gyno, she doesn't just whip out her stinky box and ask you to start inspecting it does she? I would think that's covered in gyno school. Maybe this perv was sick that day? Fuck this guy. 


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