Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thank You #BerryBeadle

Ask and you shall receive! Thanks to the help of the Secret Squirrel Daniel Dopp, the dynamic duo of Berry and Beadle gave me the advice I've been looking for on today's Fantasy Focus 06010 podcast (DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST, LISTENING IS OPTIONAL). I've tried everything I can think of to get back into the position. I won her a fantasy championship (thank you Matthew for the mediocre advice), and I even asked her to marry me (she said yes...shockingly). Neither found me back there. 

So now we'll get to work with TMR and Michelle's advice. I'll have to think about whole eye for an eye thing. I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch like my boy Kanye. I'll keep you posted on how we do!


p.s. I swear it was an accident! (She reads the blog)

p.p.s. Go Spurs! 

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