Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fitzy Lays FG Wood

Photo Credit-Zimbio/Filter-NYMWS
You already know my feelings on it. I blogged about it last week and I spoke about it on the podcast. I picked against him with our Jetsies as we invaded Indy on Monday Night Football Fitz. I'm not pleased with what Grigson, Irsay and Chuck have surrounded our guy Andrew Luck with. They've done a poor job putting him in a position to succeed. He's winless and his back is against the wall. But have no fear NY Morning Wood Sport #WoodLayers, it's time to hop on the Luck wager train. 

I miss my Andrew Luck. There's a fire burning in my bones and I still believe...yeah I still believe...sing it with me folks...

This is my fight song
Take back my Luck song
Prove Luck's alright song
His power's turned on
Starting now he'll be strong
We'll play his fight song
And I don't really care
If nobody else believes
Cause he's still got 
A lot of fight left in him

I don't give a rat's ass what hot garbage is around Andrew Luck. Luck and Luck alone are more than 3 points better than this Titans team. Get on board with the next big thing turning his season around in this AFC South showdown. 

Colts (-3) 34 – Titans 17


p.s. Sup Rachel?

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